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This is the official forum for the Role-playing guild, The Frozen Covenant, on Argent Dawn [EU]
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 Application Template

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Posts : 164
Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 30

Application Template Empty
PostSubject: Application Template   Application Template EmptySun Apr 03, 2011 8:50 pm

Please make your account in the name of the character you are joining with.

Note: Once your application has been accepted, your will be invited into the guild under a trial period.

Make a separate thread when applying!

Application layout:

OOC name of Character:
IC name of Character:

Tell us a bit about yourself:

Why do you wish to join?

How did you hear about the guild?

What is your role-playing experience? Beginners and veterans are welcomed alike.

Did you read our Code of Conduct?

Did you read the Application FAQ?

What kind of a character are you hoping to develop within our guild?

Your class and race;

Write a short story, a letter, a journal entry or any other piece of text that relates to your character! You could even establish a character profile if you wish. The choice is yours. Please take your time, though! We are not expecting a novel, but this will be our first glimpse into your character and your role-play.


Before writing an application please take your time to carefully read our Code of Conduct and our Application FAQ :




- The recruitment of Death Knights is currently closed. You may apply, but you will be put on a waiting list.

- We are unable to integrate extremely powerful characters into our guild (e.g. Scourgelords, Necrolords, Liches, etc). Positions of high authority must be earned through role-play and OOC trust, and are not given at the get-go. We can acknowledge your character's history, but unless you are willing to adapt and follow the chain of command placed within our guild, we can not accept your character.

Thank you for applying.
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