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 Rise of the frozen covenant

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Deathlord Zalon
Deathlord Zalon

Posts : 104
Join date : 2011-05-25
Age : 31

Rise of the frozen covenant Empty
PostSubject: Rise of the frozen covenant   Rise of the frozen covenant EmptySun Apr 28, 2013 3:18 pm

Greetings fellow brothers and sisters of the damned, after a long time of inactivity many of you have found new hobbies and interests, new guilds to consume your time.
But now our infamous guild is slowly rebuilding itself, slowly returning to activity,with the increased population of players in northrend I have decided to revive the wolfcult in order to interact with them and to give us a chance to play that part of the cult, also the cult of the damned will rise slowly in northrend as time passes by.

But there's one thing I want everyone to know, that We are not returning to provide constant RP-events, we will be fully focused on random RP that all members contribute with, there might be some events here and there purely to guide a story forward and to give birth to new random RP ideas, but know that we will focus all our energy on to make sure that random RP can happen amongst our members in our RP-hubs, and with other members from the other guilds in northrend.

We are also not openly recruiting again as we aren't ready for that,first we'll need a solid base to spread from, for that I call upon all members of the frozen covenant,to return in anyway you can to take part in the reviving of the frozen covenant and to retake Northrend from the living that is populating it.

And after we've fully revive the two cults,and made contacts with the various of guilds that exist around northrend, we'll also revive our Scourge part of the guild, so that our military part might rise again, but yet again DKs can RP with cultists they don't have to be separated at all, we all serve under one master, one ruller, we are all brothers and sister under the Lich king iron will and in so doing we will work together to ensure that all life on azeroth cease to exist.

If there is any question regarding our return, you can either ask me in game or here on this topic, so join the fold yet again! join the cult, join its black guard, join the army of the dead,we will rise together, and rise as one, northrend awaits you and within the rest of the world, let the frozen covenant be the face of evil yet again upon this land, let us open a new chaper in our history, one filled with random RP and wonderful events made by our members, let us all be able to enjoy the game together,let us have the chance to simply come online and know that there will be people willing to RP with you in the RP-hubs.

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in game soon!
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Posts : 164
Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 30

Rise of the frozen covenant Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rise of the frozen covenant   Rise of the frozen covenant EmptyWed May 08, 2013 12:12 pm


The way forward is that of the Cult of the Damned, random roleplay is currently focused on Stormwind. There are two threads I'd like to draw attention to for the interest of the readers and they would be the following:


A northrend based project between two guilds with a small but constant playerbase, highly recommend getting involved!

A potential project in the Kingdom of Stormwind (definitely worth paying attention): This one being the one I've got a character to be around for, and I believe Althalos's alt was here as well.


Hope these two have something for us to get involved with, I'm open to having any character converted to my favorite Cult.

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Deathlord Zalon
Deathlord Zalon

Posts : 104
Join date : 2011-05-25
Age : 31

Rise of the frozen covenant Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rise of the frozen covenant   Rise of the frozen covenant EmptyWed May 08, 2013 4:25 pm

Good points, and I will look into them deeply, slowly finding ways to get us in to the activity in northrend and if we grow larger with I hope, we'll be able to stretch far and wide.

And I need all fellow members of the damned, old and new to join us in the reviving of our order, glory to The Lich King and Kel'thuzad!
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Posts : 164
Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 30

Rise of the frozen covenant Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rise of the frozen covenant   Rise of the frozen covenant EmptyWed May 08, 2013 4:50 pm

Could focus on converting people one by one heh. Brainwash + potions works the charm, through long roleplay o'course.

Best of luck anywho.
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PostSubject: Re: Rise of the frozen covenant   Rise of the frozen covenant Empty

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