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 New Cult of the Damned Rank System

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Deathlord Zalon
Deathlord Zalon

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New Cult of the Damned Rank System Empty
PostSubject: New Cult of the Damned Rank System   New Cult of the Damned Rank System EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 3:45 pm

Now, this is a work in progress, the classes and the ranks won't be set in stone, everything can change depending on how they work in RP, so give ideas and feedback whenever you can, and I'll nerf/buff the classes to fit more in to our RP.
Also remember, that every class can become each and every rank, but they have to decide from the beginning what road (Road meaning rank and how to develop your character) they wish to take, for taking every road will be way to much, so for example a warrior can become a Thuzadin member, yet for OOC reasons, I don't expect a warrior to choose that, as it would be easier to play such a rank out with a spellcaster class.

<Deathsworn> servs as the Military section of the cult, these men and woman can aid both the Scourge and the cult in warfare and cultist tasks.
The leaders of this section are:
Dread Knight – Instructor for the Black Guards as well as Dark Paladin (Warrior/Paladins)
Dreadblade – Instructor for the Deathblades (Rogues)
Dread Ranger – Instructor for the Skydarkener (Hunters)

[Deathsworn section]

Black Guard: Living mortals whom have no magical abilities but uses the strenght of their arms to defeat the enemies, these warriors have joined the cult in hope, to gain more powers thues they have dwell deeper in to the art of Necromancy, fueling upon their owne lifeforces to use the unholy strenght to slay their enemies.
in time their lifeforce will end and it is then they can join the ranks of the Scourge as "Soul Guard" and aid the armies of the Scourge and continue on their path to become Dread knight

Soul Guard
Are the ascended being of the Black guards, they feast upon unholy energy to sustain himself and empowering themselves, these improved guards serves to mete out the masters judgment upon those arrogant enough to disobey.

Instructor  rank: Dread Knight
[Description: The life force draining woulden't weaken the Warrior, as its like a berserker, normally the warrior dosen't get tired but more energized, same applys here, but at the end of it, or after sometime, they can become tierd and have to stop useing it, it can also be that they get dengersly close in draning all their life force in the middle of battle.]

Deathblade: Rogues who pledge their souls to serve the Dark lord are granted power of shadow to be used in their assasin abilties, they will become the perfect tool-
of Death, strikeing from the shadow and dissapear in to the shadows.
Instructor  rank: Dreadblade
[Description: bringing forth the shadow to cloak them will have its benefits as well as side efects, it can not be used in holy places, as normaly Shadow magic would be  weakened there,
It will allow them to move in an open area, but it might be noticeable by the naked eye, as something seems out of place, if its dark it will be harder to see naturally -
And light servants might sense it if they are powerful enough, but even then they might not be 100% sure what it is, and where it is, the Dead Cultist can also call upon the
Shadow to use in attackable abilities, such as (some lame names Razz) "Shadow spike, piercing the target with shadow might have to be somewhat close for this to succede, as it fade in power the futher away you are from the target, more attacks might be made up if figured out!]

Skydarkner: calling upon the dissesing powers of Necromancy to send necromagic arrows to eliminate the target as well as reanimating it, the Skydarkener can also call upon the - shadow magic to strike down their enemies.
Instructor rank: Dread Ranger
[Description: They are very much like the Dark rangers ]

Dark Paladin: A twisted shadow of this holy warrior now servs the Scourge, calling upon the powers of Necromancy to strike upon the enemies of the Scourge,
Instructor rank: Dread Knight
[Description: They resemble Death knights but are far away from their powers.]

[Cult section]

Mage - would be the most common of spell-caster that could join us, as they don't have the corruption of fel, and neither the light in them, they have it easy to learn our magic.

Warlock - While we don't accept Warlocks as fel users, we can accept them if they are willing to abandon Fel magic and fully embrace Necromancy.

Priests - These would naturally be Shadow priest players, but also people who had been a priest, but feel that the light have betrayed them, so they abandon it and embrace our teachings.

These three roads have to be taken, if they are to become a Necromancer.

Flesh worker - Thoes who dwell deeper in to the art of flesh crafting shall find themself creating undead creatures of supreme powers, capable of defeating armies.
Necromancy and the knowladge of the body and how to work with it to make these undeads will be known to you if you choise this road.
Instructor rank: Flesh-Shaper
[After they have become a Necromancer, they might choise to remain a Flesh worker to continue making our undead minions]

Necrolyte - Is the begining to fully understanding the powers of Necromancy, dewelling deeper in to this art and you'll be taking your first step in becoming a Necromancer.
Diseases and reanimations are the key feature here and you'll become the harbringer of the livings demise.
Instorctor rank: Necromancer (If a Necromancer decide to take up a teaching role)
[This will most likely be every Cultist road to first take]

Shadowmancer - Dwell deeper in to the art of shadow magic, to call upon the raw power that exisst all around Azeroth, thoes who choise this road will be able to eradicate-
Any who dare to stand against the Scourge.
Instructor rank: Dread weaver  (Necromancer rank for if he/she decides to teach in this section)

Plaguebringer - these twisted druids now spreed death and decay across the land and takes the form of the diseased beasts they onces could tranform in to.
Instructor rank: Necromancer (A plaguebringer that has achive Necromancer rank and decide to teach)
[Description: Their forms are disseased beasts, that can spreed the plague and use the plague in battle against their enemies, decaying the land as well as any flesh it encounter]

Soul weaver - commanding the spirit world for the Scourge, these soul weavers can enter the world of the spirits to channel powers for the Scourge as well as themself to unleash it- Upon our enemies.
Instructor rank: Necromancer (Soul weaver that have achive Necromancer rank and decide to teach)
[Description: As they were Shamans, they keept their power over the spirit empowering it and taking full control over it, they can use the tormented souls to either harm (like spirit tower in WC3)
Or bring fear in to the hearts of mortals, they can also enslave spirits much easier than common cultists, to use in bolstering our forces.

[The Thuzadin section]
The Thuzadin, is the elite branch of the cult, of course the most suitable candidates for this are the , Magi, Warlocks, Priests, Shamans and Druids. The other classes can achieve this too, but I do not expect it to be so, as I expect them to stay with the deathsworn branch instead of becoming a member of the Thuzadin. Of course we allow any and all Classes to join the Thuzadin.]

Necromancer - After finishing the three branches above you have gained access to becoming a Necromancer, master of the shadow and Necromancy arts, as well as flesh working.
After this you'll embark on a road to reach for divinity and riseing in ranks with in The Thuzadins.

Deathspeakers - Lieutenants of the Lich, these men and women serve their master without question, and bring his divine words to the rest of the Cult. They also serves under the Headmaster and Necrolord.

Headmaster - The headmaster over the Cult of the damned, this person answers directly to the Lich.

Necrolord - Is the leader over the Thuzadin and also have assended in to undeath, this person answers directly to the Lich.

Last edited by Alieus on Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:01 am; edited 3 times in total
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Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 30

New Cult of the Damned Rank System Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Cult of the Damned Rank System   New Cult of the Damned Rank System EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 4:52 pm

While expanding the guild is always a good idea. You're missing a lot of people to put them into these separate ranks, I mean a lot, one person a rank at this point? Ought to focus on recruiting more in my opinion, mainly via the official forums and pulling people from other realms to become interested here!

Otherwise it's pretty nice and reading through it I'm definitely for it, but as previously stated, recruitment is key here, there is no point in having all these options but having no people in each one!
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Deathlord Zalon
Deathlord Zalon

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New Cult of the Damned Rank System Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Cult of the Damned Rank System   New Cult of the Damned Rank System EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 4:57 pm

Ephitos wrote:
While expanding the guild is always a good idea. You're missing a lot of people to put them into these separate ranks, I mean a lot, one person a rank at this point? Ought to focus on recruiting more in my opinion, mainly via the official forums and pulling people from other realms to become interested here!

Otherwise it's pretty nice and reading through it I'm definitely for it, but as previously stated, recruitment is key here, there is no point in having all these options but having no people in each one!

Aye naturally, it will be more like this when we have the numers, so for now I will serve as the teacher for every rank, but as time passes and if we have abit of luck, we'll get the people to fill the ranks, and this exist now to get a intrest, for people will see there is alot of option for them, giving us a higher chanse of geting new members, but yes, we'll focuse on recruiting more thats our main option untill we have the numers we need.
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Age : 30

New Cult of the Damned Rank System Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Cult of the Damned Rank System   New Cult of the Damned Rank System EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 5:11 pm

Fixed every grammar error I saw too by the way, just to clean it up a bit, otherwise 10/10 and I will wholeheartedly assist you in bringing about these good changes. Also, this new ranking system with a bit more detail ought to be part of the new recruitment thread, since the old ones are completely buried. Army of the Damned needs European representation, and a good recruitment thread is part of that. a ranking system that gets the attention of people is a good step to that, however, there seems to be many options for people to undertake and you're going to have to go through a lot of trouble alone to serve as an instructor for peoples individual ranks.

So here is my suggestion :

When a person joins the army, they go through the same training as everybody else for a specific amount of time, in an officer academy for example, and after they are done they can pick a specialisation, so my point is, could it not be a good idea to train everybody in a bit of everything and then have them make their own decision? I mean, this way everybody could be introduced to the Scourge, and it's various branches, at the end of said period they can make the important decision of choosing a specialisation and undertaking the relevant training with yourself, myself or Althalos.
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Deathlord Zalon
Deathlord Zalon

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Age : 31

New Cult of the Damned Rank System Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Cult of the Damned Rank System   New Cult of the Damned Rank System EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 5:16 pm

Ephitos wrote:
Fixed every grammar error I saw too by the way, just to clean it up a bit, otherwise 10/10 and I will wholeheartedly assist you in bringing about these good changes. Also, this new ranking system with a bit more detail ought to be part of the new recruitment thread, since the old ones are completely buried. Army of the Damned needs European representation, and a good recruitment thread is part of that. a ranking system that gets the attention of people is a good step to that, however, there seems to be many options for people to undertake and you're going to have to go through a lot of trouble alone to serve as an instructor for peoples individual ranks.

So here is my suggestion :

When a person joins the army, they go through the same training as everybody else for a specific amount of time, in an officer academy for example, and after they are done they can pick a specialisation, so my point is, could it not be a good idea to train everybody in a bit of everything and then have them make their own decision? I mean, this way everybody could be introduced to the Scourge, and it's various branches, at the end of said period they can make the important decision of choosing a specialisation and undertaking the relevant training with yourself, myself or Althalos.

Aye, its an good idea, and I was thinking of something simmilar, to train thoes we have, give them a chanse to see how every rank work, or at least the lower ranks, and eventualy when the time is right for them, they can decide what they want to choise.
And thanks for correcting me, I was hopeing somone would do it ^^
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New Cult of the Damned Rank System Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Cult of the Damned Rank System   New Cult of the Damned Rank System EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 5:33 pm

No problem, keep it up, and most importantly, if you need help, ask for it! Doesn't have to be a one man crusade my friend.
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New Cult of the Damned Rank System Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Cult of the Damned Rank System   New Cult of the Damned Rank System EmptySun Apr 22, 2012 3:25 pm

*shall respond and evaluate this properly soon* But it is all great and awesome!
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